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Do you have to be an anthroposophist to be a Waldorf Teacher?

The question often comes up, do you have to be an anthroposophist to be a Waldorf teacher? The simple answer is, No, as Steiner himself demonstrated. According to Emil Molt:

Dr Steiner was broad-minded in his choice of teachers. As an example, the sister of one of my acquaintances had applied to the Waldorf School. She was a teacher by profession but did not know the first thing about anthroposophy or of the personality of Rudolf Steiner. He spoke with her before the beginning of the course and then invited her to attend. She became a very able Waldorf teacher.

Emil Molt. "Emil Molt and the beginnings of the Waldorf School movement: Sketches from an autobiography." Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1991. Page 143.

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