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Meals-on-Wheels and Polit... Ending Meals-on-Wheels is a great talking point… when there is no chance...
Steiner aginst dogmatism That Rudolf Steiner rejected dogmatism and encouraged his followers to remain...
Hypothesizing the origins... I keep reading how the pandemic is really just the result of manipulation. I...
Reflections on Kant and J... It’s interesting to read John Stewart Mill. He is very direct and very...
On Republican talking poi... So House Republicans are pushing the talking point, “Why were Michael...
Thoughts on the translati... The German word “Geisteswissenschaft” (created by compounding the...
Don’t Expect Politi... As long as districts remain gerrymandered, the best bet for any House Democrat...
The leakiest administrati... So glad that we don’t have to guess why Trump fired Comey. Thanks to the...

The Curriculum of the First Waldorf School

So I finished up the book this spring. Here’s what I said about it in the blurb:The original curriculum of the first Waldorf school as it existed in 1925 is laid out in this book. Newly translated with annotations, this edition is presented as a historical artifact for teachers and others looking to understand where the current approaches have evolved from. While not always directly applicable to 21st century schools,...

Vaccination in the Work of Rudolf Steiner

As the pandemic has progressed, the question of vaccination has become very relevant.  So I put together a book that includes everything Rudolf Steiner said about vaccines. It is called Vaccination in the Work of Rudolf Steiner. It is available directly from Aelzina Books, or on Amazon as a paperback or a Kindle...

Viral Illness in the Work of Rudolf Steiner

Inspired by the pandemic and the questions around it, I have put together a book that includes everything Rudolf Steiner said about infectious illnesses. It is called Viral Illness and Epidemics in the Work of Rudolf Steiner. It is available directly from Aelzina Books, or on Amazon as a paperback or a Kindle...

Steiner and the Mainstream

Efforts like Steiner Studies are a bit of a conundrum. In the anthroposophical movement we are always complaining about how Steiner is invisible to the mainstream. How nobody knows about him, and he doesn’t get the credit he deserves. But the mainstream is only going to handle him the way it knows how. They will use their worldview, their academic and analytic tools. They will treat him just like any other interesting...

Covid and Karma

Someone asked: “So let’s say bats are the third cause and the virus the second; what is the primary if we look on it from an Anthroposophical perspective?” Karma. Steiner was fairly clear on this. Susceptibility is a function of past-life karma. However, in epidemics you have to do not just backwards karma, since Steiner said emphatically that you can catch something, the cause for which does not lie in the...

Mikovits and Money

A lot of the gullible fans of Plandemic make Judy Mikovits into a hero because she supposedly has no financial incentive to telling the “truth”, whereas everyone who objects to her claims is being paid off by Big Pharma. Now Big Pharma is certainly a problem, but Mikovits is not truth-telling for no gain. She’s got a new book out. Financial gain often comes from selling books. For some authors there are...

Mikovits, redux

A lot of people reply to any criticism of the Plandemic video with some version of, “but she sounds so convincing”. “Just listen to her, have an open mind, they say”. Really all you are telling me with that is that you are overly credulous, or your confirmation bias is overwhelming your critical thinking skills. You like what she says too much to objectively think about it. There is plenty of actual...

Mikovits and Plandemic, a Quick Take

Judy Mikovits is starring in a new video that has grabbed a lot of attention in the past few hours. The main thing I can find about Mikovits is that she has published a scientific study that was retracted due to suspected falsification of data, and was later arrested and detained on a warrant for theft of property related to a dispute with a former employer. She was later released and charges dropped. It is a long way from...