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White Pride

You don’t have to go very far on the Internet to find people “questioning” why they can’t support White Pride if other groups get to set up their own Pride groups. However, White Pride is different. Things have happened in the name of White Pride on a scale that none of the other groups have ever perpetrated, and that casts a centuries-long shadow over everything connected to that label. We...

Robert E. Lee and Slavery

I’m tired of hearing historical mythology used to lionize Confederate leaders like Robert E. Lee. People say things like, Lee was against slavery, never owned slaves, and anyway, was a Christian. Robert E. Lee absolutely owned slaves. He ran a plantation that he had inherited between 1856 and 1861. And he beat his slaves himself when they tried to run away (evidenced in a personal letter). Lee’s...

Truth in Political Advertising

So Republicans in Wisconsin just voted to give $3 billion to a Chinese corporation. In exchange for a factory that will, in all likelihood never generate enough tax revenue to pay back that “investment”. (Foxconn in Wisconsin). Some times I really wish Republicans would listen to their own talking points – for example about how government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers in the...

The meaning of the term Nazi

Found on the Internet on a discussion forum: Poster 1: “”Nazi,” like “fascist,” now means “a subhuman entity that does not agree with the speaker’s liberal politics.” And that is all it means now.” Poster 2: “We had people goose-stepping through Charlottesville, waving Nazi flags, wearing swastika armbands, chanting “Heil Hitler, Heil Trump”, beating...

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

I encountered an interesting new concept today: Moralistic Therapeutic Deism “[T]he faith American Christians profess is, from a moral and theological perspective, shockingly thin. Christian Smith, a sociologist at Notre Dame, has been leading a long-term study of the religious and spiritual lives of millennials. Mr. Smith finds that what he terms “Moralistic Therapeutic Deism” has displaced authentic Christianity as...