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Why Should Ordinary People Care about the Stock Ma...

Whenever the stock market rises, the press cheers like that is a good thing. But increasingly people are wondering why. Something has changed. Indeed, a lot of the rules around how we are supposed to think about things have changed in the past 20 years. It used to be that when companies made a lot of money they went out and built new factories and hired a lot of new people. And when that was true, it made sense to cheer when...

Facts and Reality

The headline: “Americans increasingly disagree about basic facts”. So basically… for each disputed fact, one side is wrong. Or are we re-defining the word “fact”? And if one side is wrong for each of these facts, shouldn’t the headline read, “Americans increasingly out of touch with reality”?

Wages and Gender

The headline reads: “Why Are Women Still Choosing the Lowest-Paying Jobs?” But that is really just framing the questions wrong. Maybe we should instead be asking how it is that those jobs that women have historically gravitated towards somehow ended up becoming fields that are relatively underpaid. The question of what any given job “should” make is a very interesting one, both on the low end and on...