Biden says coronavirus’ impact on health system hasn’t changed his mind on single-payer
What will change a lot of minds: the 40% increase in premiums projected for next year as the insurance companies recapitalize to pay for everything the providers bill for keeping up with the virus (Aetna CEO’s comments during a conference call with investors). Think $25,000/year for a family plan is bad? Next year it will be $35,000. But don’t hate on the insurance companies too much: they just pass on the costs that are presented to them. 6 weeks in ICU can run over $1,000,000 billed by care providers. And 6 weeks of ICU is what a bad case of Covid-19 can run for those who don’t die. And I’m sure they’ll bill the same if you are on a stretcher in the hallway, or in a converted convention center.
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